زنگ پژوهش دانشکده فیزیک

?Is our Universe isotropic

رویا مهیایی

Roya Mohayaee

Sorbonne Universites, UPMC Universite Paris 06, CNRS,

 Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, France

**لطفا  به ساعت و مکان نامتعارف سمینار توجه فرمایید** 

Abstract: The cosmic microwave background provides strong evidence for the global isotropy of the Universe. On the other hand, its dipole implies that locally our Universe is highly anisotropic. A cross-over to isotropy is expected within the standard model of cosmology. However, observational data seem to suggest that the scale of such cross-over is larger than that predicted by the model. I shall discuss the question of isotropy by using the observational data from SNe Ia surveys, the space-based infrared WISE survey, and at higher redshift through radio galaxies. The isotropy is studied through bulk flow measurements and also by measuring the effects of aberration and Doppler boosting. I shall then discuss results from numerical N-body simulation to show in better detail the theoretical expectation and highlight the discrepancies between the theory and the observations, and the implications for LCDM.

یکشنبه 25 خرداد 1399، ساعت 13:30

Sunday 14 June, 2020 – 13:30 Tehran Time

  اتاق سمینار مجازی –Virtual Seminar Room


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