همگرایی ضعیف رصدی برای انبساط تند شونده کیهان II

سمینار این هفته را برگزار خواهند کرد. عنوان و چکیدهٔ سمینار ایشان به شرح زیر است:

Weak Gravitational Lensing an observation for accelerating universe.

The expansion history of universe is not able to distinguish between DE and MG theories.
Consequently new type of observations related to the issue of structure formation is needed for this task.
Weak gravitational lensing considering the LSS in the universe is such a probe. In this talk we review the basic concepts
of cosmological shear statistics which is related to the matter power spectrum in the Universe and then we will show, how the accelerating models have put their fingerprints on weak
gravitational lensing.

این سمینار در روزیکشنبه 9 اسفند در ساعت 15  در اتاق ۵۱۷ (اتاق قطب علمی) در طبقهٔ پنجم دانشکدهٔ فیزیک برگزار خواهد شد.

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