Mehdi Ranjbar
Postdoc. Ph.D., Sharif University of Technology, Iran.

Room 515
Department of Physics
Sharif University of Technology
Tehran, Iran.
P.O.Box: 11365-9161

Tel: +98 21 6616 4568
Fax: +98 21 66022711

Personal Page:


Research Interest

Experimental condensed matter physics
Thin films technology
Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) of complex nanostructures
Smart coatings

Curriculum Vitae
(Link to Ranjbar Curriculum Vitae)


1. M. Ranjbar, M.M. Ahadian, A. Iraji zad and A. Dolati, ((The effect of the Cr and Mo on the surface accumulation of copper in the electrodeposited Ni–Fe/Cu alloy films)), Materials Science and Engineering: B 127 (2006), 17-21.
2. M. M. Ahadian, A. Iraji zad , E. Nouri, M. Ranjbar, A. Dolati, ((Diffusion and segregation of substrate copper in electrodeposited Ni-Fe thin films)), Journal of Alloys and Compounds 443 (2007) 81–86

3. M. Ranjbar, A. Iraji zad and S. M. Mahdavi, Gasochromic tungsten oxide thin films for optical hydrogen sensors, J. Phys. D: Applied Phys. 41 No 5 (2008) 055405 (5pp)

4. M. Ranjbar, S. M. Mahdavi and A. Iraji zad, Pulsed laser deposition of W–V–O composite films: Preparation, characterization and gasochromic studies, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 92 (2008) 878– 883.

5. M. Ranjbar, A. Iraji zad and S. M. Mahdavi, Real-time measurement of oxidation dynamics of sub-stoichiometric tungsten oxide films by pulsed laser deposition, Appl Phys A (2008) 92: 627–634.

6. M. Ranjbar, N. Tahmasebi. G, S. M. Mahdavi and A. Iraji zad, Electroless plating of palladium on WO3 films for gasochromic applications, under revising for Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells (2009).