Seminar on strongly correlated electron systems
  at Sharif University of Technology
First session Monday 3 Mehr 1396
Fall 1396 (2017)
Monday 13:30 - 15:00, location: F513 (5th floor physics dept.)
Topic: Kitaev Materials: Spin liquid in spin-orbit coupled systems
1. P. Gegenwart, S. Trebst, “Spin-orbit physics: Kitaev matter,” Nature Physics 11, 444—445 (2015)
2. P. Armitage, “Quantum materials: Kitaev’s exact solution approximated,” Nature Materials 15, 701—702 (2016)
3. R. Schaffer, et al, “Recent progress on correlated electron systems with strong spin—orbit coupling,”
Rep. Prog. Phys. 79, 094504 (2016)
4. M. Hermanns, I. Kimchi, J. Knolle, “Physics of the Kitaev model: fractionalization, dynamical correlations, and material connections,” arXiv:1705.01740
5. Simon Trebst, “Kitaev Materials,” arXiv:1701.07056
6. Y. Zhou, K. Kanoda, and T. Ng, “Quantum spin liquid states,” Rev. Mod. Phys. 89, 025003 (2017)

Some useful comments on how to present a talk, (N. D. Mermin, Physics Today, November 1992, pdf-file)