Solid State Physics 1
  at Sharif University of Technology

Solid State Physics 1: Saturday-Monday 15:00-16:30
Topics: Grades
- What is condensed matter physics?

- Few thermodynamic properties of solids

- Drude theory of metals

- Sommerfeld theory of electrons in metals

- Chemical bonding in solids

- Lattice vibrations and phonons (one dimensional array of atoms)

- Tight-Binding model on a chain

- Lattice structures, X-ray and Neutron scattering experiments

- Electron in periodic potential: Bloch theorem

- Band structure of solids

- Metals, insulators and semi-conductors


The main reference of this course is No. 1:
1- The Oxford Solid State Basics, by: Steven H. Simon (Oxford University Press 2013)
2- Introduction to Solid State Physics 8th Edition, by: Charles Kittel (John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2005)
Type#1: Homeworks=5, Mid-exam=6, Final-exam=10
Type#2: Mid-exam=8, Final exam=13
If F>M, then F gets %15 more of its share of F&M.
Mid-exam: 28 Aban 1397, Chapters 1,2, ...,10
Final exam: schedule will be given by educational affairs.