The importance of non-linearities in dark energy models

The importance of non-linearities in dark energy models

فربد حسنی

 (Department of Theoretical Physics of the University of Geneva)

Abstract: I’m going to introduce k-evolution, a relativistic N-body code, which includes clustering dark energy among its cosmological components. I’ll show the effect of dark energy non-linearities on the power spectrum of dark matter, dark energy and the gravitational potential using k-evolution results. I’ll also discuss about the importance of taking dark energy non-linearities into account for doing precision cosmology and I’ll show that for some choice of parameters the dark energy equation suffer from a new instability and blowup in finite time. My talk will be based on arXiv: 1910.01104, arXiv: 1910.01105 and arXiv:1906.04748.


یکشنبه 15 دی 1398، ساعت 15:00

دانشکده فیزیک، طبقه اول کلاس فیزیک 3

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