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Department Overview

Deliberating in nature and finding its governing rules had always been a concern for mankind and during the civilization it turned itself into the science of Physics, that is actually the manifest of the truth-seeking nature of man. Not only being the oldest of sciences, Physics is the most basic; fundamental rules of which provides the basis for all technological developments. Not being apart from Mathematical science and Technology, Physics has its most important roles both in theoretical and experimental aspects of science.

From the beginning of the establishment of the Physics department in 1967, the department tried to conform all the educational programs to creditable Physics departments in the world. We see that the number of graduate students published theses in international journals exceed one hundred. The faculty include leaders in major areas of Physics in Iran. Today more than 250 undergraduates and 120 graduate students are being supervised by 29 faculty members, sometimes invited professors from inside or outside of the country.

Contact Us

Department of Physics
Sharif University of Technology
Tehran, Iran.
P.O.Box: 11365-9161.

Tel: +98 21 6616 4501, 2
Fax: +98 21 6602 2711




Overview | Academics | Research | People | Facilities

Designed By A. Saman Ahadieh
Sharif University of Technology,
Physics Department.

Last Updated on December 04, 2005.