Testing gravity with relativistic effects in large-scale structure

Camille Bonvin

Université de Genève, Département de Physique Théorique and

Center for Astroparticle Physics

Testing gravity with relativistic effects in large-scale structure

Abstract: The distribution of galaxies is a power tool to test our cosmological model. In this talk I will discuss the different contributions that affect the observed distribution of galaxies. I will show that besides the standard density and redshift-space distortions, the number counts of galaxies is affected by gravitational lensing and relativistic effects. I will then discuss how one of these effects, called gravitational redshift, can be used to build new tests of gravity.

سه شنبه  28 دی 1400، ساعت 19:00

Tuesday 18 January 2022 – 19:00 Tehran Time

اتاق سمینار مجازی –Virtual Seminar Room


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