همه‌ی نوشته‌های Mojahed Parsi Mood

سمینار مجازی

همکاران محترم، دوستان گرامی
امیدوارم که همراه خانواده محترم شاد و سلامت باشید.
گروه کیهان شناسی دانشکده فیزیک دانشگاه صنعتی شریف، ار این پس تا اطلاع ثانوی سمینار های خود را به صورت مجازی برگزار می کند.
در این راستا لطفا در ساعت مقرر سمینارها و با توجه به اطلاعیه ها به  اتاق سمینار مجازی با آدرس زیر به صورت مهمان بدون احتیاج به نام کاربردی و رمز عبور  وارد شده و در سمینارها شرکت بفرمایید.
با آرزوی سلامتی
با تقدیم احترام
شانت باغرام
Dear Colleagues,
Hope this email finds you and your respectful family well.
The cosmology group of physics department of Sharif University of Technology, will continue its seminar series virtually.
Accordingly, please note the time of the seminars due to announcements, visit the link below and participate as a guest without need of any username or password.
Wish you all the best
Shant Baghram

 سمینار هفتگی گروه کیهان شناسی

On The Reliability of photometric and spectroscopic traces of halo relaxation

محمد حسین ژولیده حقیقی 

(پژوهشکده نجوم پژوهشگاه دانش های بنیادی IPM )

Abstract: Characterizing the relaxation state of galaxy systems is a necessary step for probing the role of environment and halo dynamics in the evolution of galaxies. In this presentation, we will provide an assessment of the reliability of both the photometric and spectroscopic probes. We quantify the correlations between the halo relaxation or the dynamical age, which is defined based on the halo mass assembly in the cosmological simulations, with two spectroscopic indicators, namely the Anderson Darling statistic of the galaxy velocity distribution, A2, and the velocity-segregation, ∆V. We also talk about the correlation of the halo relaxation with photometric indicators which are primarily the luminosity gap between the two most luminous galaxies within half the virial radius of a group, complemented with the off-set between brightest group galaxies and the luminosity centroid. We will explain how a combination of ∆m12 and off-set, correlates more strongly with the dynamical age of the halo than the A2, thus offering a reliable yet fast and economical method of quantifying the relaxation of galaxy systems.

یکشنبه ۴ اسفند ۱۳۹۸، ساعت ۱۵:۰۰

دانشکده فیزیک، طبقه چهارم تالار پرتوی

سمینار هفتگی گروه کیهان شناسی

Speculations on an early geometrical phase transition: de Sitter–Gödel–de Sitter model

شیرین خدابخشی (دانشکده فیزیک دانشگاه تهران )

Abstract: De Sitter–Gödel–de Sitter (dGd) model is a possible geometrical phase transition from de Sitter to Gödel and back to de Sitter, controlled by a temperature dependent effective potential of a scalar field living on these backgrounds in early times. It is shown that due to a Casimir force in the Gödel phase, this phase transition could induce fluctuations on the matter and radiation fields with possibly observed traces. In this talk, After introducing the theoretical aspects and motivations of this model, a simulation of dGd-induced inhomogeneities and their power spectrum, parameterized by the parameter pair (p1, p2), as possible seeds of CMB anisotropies along with the standard inflationary perturbations will be presented. With the Planck 2018 observations, we find consistent results with pure inflationary power spectrum and no hint for the dGd transition. Future large scale surveys will be also considered to further tighten the constraints. Forecasts with the Euclid survey shows errors would improve by at least an order of magnitude compared to the constraints from CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies.


یکشنبه 27 بهمن 1398، ساعت 15:00

دانشکده فیزیک، طبقه چهارم تالار پرتوی

 سمینار مشترک گروه ذرات و کیهانشناسی

انتقال فرکانسی در ریز همگرایی گرانشی

سهراب راهوار

 (دانشکده فیزیک دانشگاه صنعتی شریف)

The talk is based on : “Frequency-shift in the gravitational microlensing”, Sohrab Rahvar Phys. Rev. D 101, 024015 – 3 January 2020


یکشنبه 20 بهمن 1398، ساعت 15:00

دانشکده فیزیک، طبقه چهارم تالار پرتوی

The importance of non-linearities in dark energy models

The importance of non-linearities in dark energy models

فربد حسنی

 (Department of Theoretical Physics of the University of Geneva)

Abstract: I’m going to introduce k-evolution, a relativistic N-body code, which includes clustering dark energy among its cosmological components. I’ll show the effect of dark energy non-linearities on the power spectrum of dark matter, dark energy and the gravitational potential using k-evolution results. I’ll also discuss about the importance of taking dark energy non-linearities into account for doing precision cosmology and I’ll show that for some choice of parameters the dark energy equation suffer from a new instability and blowup in finite time. My talk will be based on arXiv: 1910.01104, arXiv: 1910.01105 and arXiv:1906.04748.


یکشنبه 15 دی 1398، ساعت 15:00

دانشکده فیزیک، طبقه اول کلاس فیزیک 3

Beheshti-Sharif Joint Workshop on Structure Formation

We are pleased to announce a joint program between Sharif and Beheshti universities. Farnik Nikakhtar (University of Pennsylvania) will give four lectures on the topic of structure formation. This workshop is scheduled as follow:– Wednesday 11th Dey @ Shahid Beheshti University and– Wednesday 18th Dey @ Sharif University of Technology.
The poster is attached and please register if you like to participate.

روز کیهانشناسی

جای  بسی خرسندی است که برای دومین سال پیاپی روز کیهان شناسی را در شریف برگزار می کنیم. در فایل پیوست، لطفا برنامه روز کیهان شناسی  دانشکده فیزیک دانشگاه شریف را بیابید.
این برنامه روز یکشنیه 8 دی ماه 1398 / 29 دسامبر 2019 در آمفی تئاتر دانشکده فیزیک (تالار جناب) از ساعت 15:00 الی 18:30 برگزار می گردد.

Strong Lensing of Explosive Transients

Strong Lensing of Explosive Transients

زینب کلانتری (دانشکده فیزیک دانشگاه صنعتی شریف )

Abstract: Recent rapid progress in time domain surveys makes it possible to detect various types of explosive transients (Gamma-ray bursts, Gravitational wave, supernovae, and Fast radio bursts) in the Universe in large numbers, some of which will gravitationally lensed into multiple images. Although a large number of strongly lensed distant galaxies and quasars have already been discovered, strong lensing of explosive transients opens up new applications, including improved measurements of cosmological parameters and powerful probes of small scale structures of the Universe, thanks to their rapidly evolving light curves as well as their compact sizes. Recently we have witnessed first discoveries of strongly lensed supernovae, and strong lensing events of other types of explosive transients are expected to be observed soon. In this presentation, I will review a recent paper on the current state of research on strong gravitational lensing of explosive transients and discuss future prospects.


یکشنبه 24 آذر 1398، ساعت 15:00

دانشکده فیزیک، طبقه اول کلاس فیزیک 3