English Page

Welcome to the homepage of Cosmology Group at Sharif University of Technology
  1. Gravitational microlensing
    In collaboration with University of St Andrews and University of Paris-Sud 11. It  is mainly concentrated on:

    1. Data analysis, modeling, and interpretation of microlensing surveys
    2. Using gravitational microlensing to find extra-solar planets (see also MiNDSTEp)

  2. Dark energy and dark matter
    Data analysis and modeling for dark matter/energy
  3. Modified gravity
    Modifying gravity to describe cosmic dynamics
  4. Gravitation and general relativity
    Inhomogeneous/Anisotropic metrics to describe acceleration of the universe
P.O. Box 11365-9161
Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology, Azadi Ave., Tehran, Iran

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  1. سلام
    مایلم برای دریافت مرتب اخبار مربوط به سمینارها ایمیل دریافت کنم.
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