Fermi-GBM Observation of GRB 090717034

Zeinab Kalantari

Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology

Fermi-GBM Observation of GRB090717034: $\chi^2$ Test Confirms Evidence of Gravitational Lensing by a Supermassive Black Hole with a Million Solar Mass

سمینار به صورت هیبریدی برگزار می شود

Abstract: Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are one of the most luminous and prolific high-energy transients observed since their discovery in 1963. The theoretical investigations of gravitational lensing of GRBs have been carried out in the past half-century. In this talk, I will briefly review Gamma_Ray Bursts (GRBs) detections and progenitors. Next, I will give a general overview of gravitational microlensing and its observable signature on a GRB light curve for a point mass model of the lens. Then, I will highlight the results of our recent probe in the Fermi/GBM catalog and introduce one gravitationally lensed candidate which is discerned by the Autocorrelation method. Finally, we use the minimization of $\chi^2$ of the light curve of our candidate which confirms this candidate has a true lensing signature of a supermassive black hole with a redshifted mass of $\approx10^6 M_\odot$  and two peaks in this event is not a result of stochastic random fluctuations in the GRB light curve.

یکشنبه 22 آبان 1401، ساعت 17:00

Sunday 13 November 2022 – 17:00 Tehran Time

Hybrid Seminar

دانشکده فیزیک-اتاق 626–Physics department Room 626  /


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جلسه دفاع دکتری

Mohammad Ansari

Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology 

Cosmic web: excursion set of saddle points and nearest neighbor statistics

Supervisor: Shant Baghram 

Abstract: When we observe the universe on large scale, we see interwoven web, called the cosmic web. The cosmic web has different components and a lot of information is in it. In both cases, considering the cosmic web’s components as the environment of structure formation or considering them as structures, studying the cosmic web has advantages. But because of the non-linear nature of the cosmic web, extracting information from it has some challenges. The main challenge is that there are several ways of quantifying the cosmic web, in which there is no agreement between them. In this work, by introducing the excursion set of saddle points, we try to find a way for modelling cosmic filaments. By this model, which is an extension of the excursion of peaks, we calculate the critical density contrast of filaments with the help of the ellipsoidal collapse model and then we calculate the statistics of filaments with the help of up crossing approximation. The statistics and mass-to-length relation of filaments will help us to judge between different cosmic web finders. Finally, we calculate the number density of filaments concerning filament mass and length with this model. In the following of this work, we examine another approach to extracting information from the cosmic web. We calculate the spherical contact and nearest neighbor quantities for cosmological simulations and catalogs of galaxy groups. We report the behavior of these quantities for distance. Also by calculating the statistical modes of quantities, we show a linear relationship between the mean and variance of spherical contact distribution.

یکشنبه 27 شهریور 1401، ساعت 15:00

Sunday 18 September 2022 – 15:00 Tehran Time

تالار جناب  – آمفی تئاتر دانشکده فیزیک

جلسه دفاع کارشناسی ارشد

Bahar Nikbakht

Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology

Cosmic Inflation with Random Step-like Potentials and  Primordial Black Holes 

Supervisor: Ali Akbar Abolhasani 

Abstract: Recent observations of gravitational waves by the LIGO collaboration have returned attention to primordial black holes (PBHs). PBHs are also considered as candidates for dark matter. Furthermore, to be valid candidates, they must have extended mass distributions (EMD).

In this talk, we will show that modulation of the slow-roll potential with the local, sharp, and step-like noise can naturally produce primordial black holes in EMD. We first go to the long wavelength/low energy modes and show that some of these modes resonate with the noise, and hence their power spectrum is enhanced. Then we go to short wavelength/highly oscillating modes and define a correlation length for the stairs using them.

Finally, we calculate the probability of having at least two bursts of PBH for an arbitrary potential and show that this model may successfully explain the observations.


یکشنبه 27 شهریور 1401، ساعت 18:30

Sunday 18 September 2022 – 18:30 Tehran Time

تالار جناب  – آمفی تئاتر دانشکده فیزیک

پذیرش محقق پسادکتری

پذیرش محقق پسادکتری در گروه کیهان شناسی دانشکده فیزیک دانشگاه صنعتی شریف


 بدین­وسیله به اطلاع می رساند: گروه کیهان شناسی دانشکده فیزیک دانشگاه صنعتی شریف از متقاضیان برای موقعیت محقق پسادکتری و همکاری با گروه کیهان­شناسی به مدت یکسال دعوت به عمل می آورد.

اعتبار مالی این برنامه یک ساله از سرآمدان علمی کشور به میزبانی دکتر سهراب راهوار تامین خواهد شد. علاقمندان می­توانند تقاضای خود را همراه شرح حال علمی و دو  توصیه نامه محرمانه تا تاریخ   15 مهر 1401 به رایانامه دکتر سهراب راهوار  با آدرس   rahvar@sharif.edu   ارسال فرمایند.

موضوع پژوهشی همکاری در زمینه سیاهچاله­‌های اولیه است.  فرایندهای تشکیل و تحول سیاهچاله­ های اولیه، ارتباط آن با تشکیل ساختار بزرگ مقیاس کیهانی و جنبه های مشاهداتی و کار با داده های تجربی مورد توجه این همکاری پژوهشی خواهد بود.

گروه کیهان شناسی

دانشکده فیزیک دانشگاه صنعتی شریف

21 شهریور 1401

دفاعیه کارشناسی ارشد

Detecting Primordial Black Holes with the Help of 21 cm Cosmology

Sajad Tabasi

Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology


Supervisor: Shant Baghram


Abstract: The existence of primordial black holes has been proposed for about half a century, but so far we have not been able to have convincing observations to prove the existence of such black holes. With the discovery of gravitational waves, hopes for finding primordial black holes have increased again; So that in recent years, different ways have been proposed to reveal them. This matter becomes even more important when we know that these black holes can explain all or at least part of the missing matter of the universe known as dark matter. One of the proposed ways is to investigate the 21 cm line of hydrogen in the intergalactic medium. Over time, the temperature of the intergalactic medium is highly sensitive to the physical mechanisms within it. Thus, any physical phenomenon can increase or decrease the temperature. Since primordial black holes can accrete and pull in the surrounding gas and cause them to radiate, if they are abundant enough, they will have the ability to seriously affect the temperature of the intergalactic medium. In this thesis, we first plot the linear power spectrum by considering primordial black holes as dark matter and then show its effect on the temperature of the intergalactic medium. In addition, we calculate how much the temperature of the medium increases for different masses of these black holes and for what masses the whole dark matter can be considered as primordial black holes. Finally, we study a more realistic model and consider the nonlinear power spectrum, and in this regime, we measure the effect of primordial black holes on the power spectrum. The study of this regime is especially important because it can provide predictions for future observations of the 21 cm spectrum that can solve the problem of primordial black holes and dark matter.


چهارشنبه 16 شهریور 1401، ساعت 13:30

Wednesday 7 September 2022 – 13:30 Tehran Time

تالار پرتوی  – طبقه چهارم دانشکده فیزیک

سمینار هفتگی کیهانشناسی

Seminar 1:  Nonlinear structure formation and haloes statistic in FDM model

Melika Sarrami

Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology


Seminar 2: Axion as Dark Matter

Mohammad-Reza Ebrahimi

Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology


Seminar 3:   Nonlocal gravity and its local limit in cosmology

Javad Tabatabaei

Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology


Seminar 4: Statistical Methods On Large Scale Structure

Mohammad Hossein Amiri

Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology


 یکشنبه 13 شهریور 1401، ساعت 19:00

Sunday 4 September 2022 – 19:00 Tehran Time

اتاق سمینار مجازی –Virtual Seminar Room


گزینه ورود به صورت مهمان – Enter as a Guest

Abstract 1: ΛCDM has successfully explained the universe’s large-scale structure, the statistics of the cosmic microwave background, and cluster abundances. However, recent observations have pointed out drawbacks of ΛCDM at small-scale. Fuzzy dark matter(FDM) is an alternative theory designed to solve small-scale problems. We derive the halo mass function for FDM by solving the excursion set problem with a mass-dependent barrier function; then, we are going to compare the approach and results of the ΛCDM model and halos statistic that stem from it with FDM modelIn the following, we find out the discrepancy between these two models that comprise transfer function, power spectrum, bias, and number density. Finally, we realize that if the dark matter is a mixture of cold dark matter (CDM) and FDM, there will be a suppression on the halo substructure on small scales, which may be able to solve the missing satellite problem faced by the pure CDM model.

Abstract 2: Despite significant discoveries in cosmology, we still don’t know what Dark Matter is. Dark Matter candidates, for example, have a very broad mass spectrum, ranging from extremely tiny masses of around $10^{-22}\mathrm{eV}$ to very massive masses on the scale of Primordial Black Holes ($10^{30}\mathrm{eV}$). In particular, the subject of this seminar is those dark matter candidates that have a very low mass (of order $10^{-22}\mathrm{eV}$). Because of their extremely low mass, these dark matter particles exhibit wave behavior in their dynamics, which has interesting implications on structure formation.  In this seminar, we will look at the wave dynamics of these particles and its impacts on structure formation.

Abstract 3: The theory of nonlocal gravity is a classical modification of Einstein’s general relativity that explores nonlocal effects of gravity by putting aside the locality postulate. In this talk we introduce the local limit of this theory, or in other words, we consider nonlocality with only a short-term memory. We show that the corrections of this theory to the equations governing the dynamics of the homogenous universe and its perturbations are determined only by an unknown function of time which acts like the dielectric permittivity in electrodynamics. Using the numerical evaluation of this function, to explain some recent observational tensions in cosmology, is the goal of this research.

Abstract 4: In the process of exploring the universe on the large scale, one of the most important questions is how to predict the behavior and motion of matter within the impact of gravity. Unfortunately, today we can’t simulate the whole universe through the lack of computing power. So because of the high order number of dark matter halos, we turn to statistics to help us understand the large scale behavior. Using some statistical methods and statistical parameters (like nearest neighbor distribution & …) on large scale structure we can extract good information from galaxy halos and cosmic web.

A table-top experiment for testing quantum gravity

Alireza Maleki

Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology

A table-top experiment for testing quantum gravity

Abstract: Quantization of gravity remains one of the most important, yet extremely elusive, challenges at the heart of modern physics. Any attempt to resolve this long-standing problem seems to be doomed, as the route to any direct empirical evidence (i.e., detecting gravitons) for shedding light on the quantum aspect of  gravity is far beyond the current capabilities. In this talk, we show how quantum-informatics techniques can be employed to test the quantumness of gravity. More specifically, we show that the basic foundations of quantum mechanics including the uncertainty relation, Bell inequality, and duality can be tested in the table-top experiments.  In particular, we address the deep relation between entanglement and duality in the quantum gravity framework.

یکشنبه 5 تیر 1401، ساعت 19:00

Sunday 26 June 2022 – 19:00 Tehran Time

اتاق سمینار مجازی –Virtual Seminar Room


گزینه ورود به صورت مهمان – Enter as a Gues

Cosmic Inflation with Effective Serrated Potentials and PBHs

Bahar Nikbakht

Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology

Cosmic Inflation with Effective Serrated Potentials and PBHs

Abstract: Primordial black holes (PBHs) have attracted attention due to their potential roles in explaining phenomena such as dark matter and gravitational waves. These observations require that PBHs exist at various mass ranges.
We evaluated the inflaton potentials in which the modulation of the stochastic sequence of sharp step-like features on the slow-roll potential leads to the production of PBHs in different mass ranges. We first studied the cumulative effects of consecutive steps and showed that there exists a resonance mechanism that enhances the power spectrum of the specific wavelengths exponentially. We then examined the statistics of the PBHs and showed that, with the appropriate adjustments to the parameters, these models can account for the existence of the PBHs within the mass ranges allowed by the observations.

یکشنبه 29 خرداد 1401، ساعت 19:00

Sunday 19 June 2022 – 19:00 Tehran Time

اتاق سمینار مجازی –Virtual Seminar Room


گزینه ورود به صورت مهمان – Enter as a Guest

تحلیل مبتنی بر توپولوژی از میدان‌های کیهانی

سیدمحمدصادق موحد

دانشکده فیزیک، دانشگاه شهید بهشتی، تهران

گروه کیهان‌شناسی محاسباتی CCG-SBU

آزمایشگاه میان‌رشته‌ای ابن سینا

تحلیل مبتنی بر توپولوژی از میدان‌های کیهانی

چکیده:  با ارتقای کمَی و کیفی دستاوردهای رصدی از میدان‌های کیهانی، پرداختن به روشهایی که اساساً بر داده‌ها از حیث تنوع، کمیت و آهنگ تولید، پایه‌گذاری‌شده‌اند، به یکی از موضوع جذاب در تبیین ویژگی‌هایی که با سایر روشهای سنتی پرمایش و مقیدسازی انجام می‌شد، مبدل شده‌است. از سویی دیگر چالشهای متعددی در تعیین مقادیر پارامترهای کیهانی وجود دارد و همچنین دریچه‌ نوینی برای جستجو در کیهان یعنی امواج گرانشی معرفی شده است. در این سخنرانی، با انگیزه بررسی چالشها و همچنین رصد ویژگی‌های عجیب در کیهان، به معرفی خواص موضعی و همچنین خواص سراسری (تعداد مؤلفه‌ها، حفره‌ها) و پایداری‌ آنها نسبت به تغییرات مقدار پارامتر دینامیکی آستانه، می‌پردازم. این ابزار می‌تواند در مقایسه با تابعی‌های مینکوفسکی، خواص اویلر و توپولوژی جینس، اطلاعاتی به دور از واگنی‌های احتمالی فراهم ‌کنند، بررسی می‌کنم. در پایان به این نکته اشاره ‌خواهم کرد که ترکیب این ابزارها به عنوان بردار ویژگی در روش یادگیری ماشین، نیز می‌تواند به غنای دقت آنها بیفزاید. نکات مهم سخنرانی من به قرار زیر خواهد بود:

1)      ویژگی‌های توپولوژیک می‌توانند به عنوان ابزاری جدید و البته غیرخطی، به منظور مقیدسازی کمیت‌های کیهانشناختی، بکار روند.

2)      روش‌های یادگیری ماشین قادر هستند اهمیت و حساسیت هریک از روش‌های بکارگرفته شده که مبتنی بر معیارهای توپولوژیک و هندسی هستند را تعیین کنند.

یکشنبه 22 خرداد 1401، ساعت 19:00

Sunday 12 June 2022 – 19:00 Tehran Time

اتاق سمینار مجازی –Virtual Seminar Room


گزینه ورود به صورت مهمان – Enter as a Guest

افزودن به تقویم گوگل-Add to Google Calendar

Cosmological Collider Physics using Primordial Clocks and Clicks

Reza Ebadi

Department of Physics, University of Maryland

Quantum Technology Center, University of Maryland

Cosmological Collider Physics using Primordial Clocks and Clicks


Abstract: On-shell production of heavy degrees of freedom during the inflationary era can be imprinted on cosmological correlation functions, thereby offering a unique opportunity of cosmological spectroscopy at energy scales far beyond what is achievable with any conceivable terrestrial collider. Such “collider signals”, however, are typically Boltzmann-suppressed above the inflationary Hubble scale, limiting the potential reach of the “cosmological collider.” Using a generic framework, we show that classical features in the inflationary landscape excite unsuppressed quantum modes of heavy fields, which leave observable signatures in primordial non-Gaussianity. In addition to unsuppressed, non-Gaussian collider signals, the analyzed models predict scale-dependence as well as precursor signatures in the inflationary power spectrum. Due to their rich phenomenology, these models present viable targets for next-generation cosmological surveys.

یکشنبه 8 خرداد 1401، ساعت 19:00

Sunday 29 May 2022 – 19:00 Tehran Time

اتاق سمینار مجازی –Virtual Seminar Room


گزینه ورود به صورت مهمان – Enter as a Guest