Probing the isotropy of the distribution of galaxy morphological types in the Local Universe

Probing the isotropy of the distribution of galaxy morphological types in the Local Universe

بهنام جوانمردی (پژوهشکده نجوم پژوهشگاه دانش های بنیادی IPM )


 Abstract: Isotropy of the Universe is one of the two fundamental assumptions of the Cosmological Principle (CP) on which not only the standard model of cosmology but also many alternative models are based. According to the CP, the properties of the Universe are statistically similar no matter where we are and towards which direction we look at. However, the CP does not have to be taken for granted and it should be tested as the amount of extragalactic data across all the sky increases (thanks to many ground- and space-based surveys). In this talk, I will present the first probe of the isotropy of the distribution of the morphological types of galaxies out to around 200 Mpc.

(The talk is based on…597A.120J)


 یکشنبه 23 مهر ماه 1396، ساعت 15:00

دانشکده فیزیک، تالارپرتوی

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