A new perspective on the effective field theory of gravity and its applications

A new perspective on the effective field theory of gravity and its applications

 اصلان صیفی (دانشکده فیزیک دانشگاه صنعتی شریف )


Abstract: Scattering amplitude is the only observable in the quantum field theory. Since the last two decades, it has been a huge project to derive the S-matrix efficiently without needing the notion of Lagrangians of effective field theory (EFT)! On the other hand, calculating the gravitational and astrophysical results in the context of EFT is not new. In this lecture, first, I introduce the basic of the modern calculation in the S-matrix theory. Then, by applying this method, I’ll derive some results in the general relativity such as the bending of light, Schwarzschild metric and etc. Additionally, I’ll explain how the S-matrix can determine the constant coefficients in the EFTs. For example, we calculate some coefficients in EFT of extended objects. Finally, I’ll talk about an exciting topic, color-kinematic duality in Yang-Mills theory and gravity. These duality’s applications are being developed in the gravitational radiations.

یکشنبه 20 آبان 1397، ساعت 15:00

دانشکده فیزیک، طبقه اول کلاس فیزیک 3

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