Cosmological parameters from cosmic dynamics

Cosmological parameters from cosmic dynamics: new methods based on voids and flows

Guilhem Lavaux

Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris (IAP)


Abstract: Cosmology is in a golden age. The present paradigms are sufficiently firm to derive a large number of results on the universe, the data is becoming abundant and we have computers to analyze them. However some clouds are gathering at the horizon. There is an increase in tension on the Hubble constant, the properties of the hypothetical dark energy are still largely unconstrained and we will soon face an over-abundance of data which will reduce statistical errors to a negligible amount. Standard analyses have been relying a lot on statistics of the 2-point correlation function, which is not capable of handling well systematic effects. As such, we should look at other old and new probes of cosmology. I will discuss two probes of the dynamics to which I contributed significantly: the use cosmic voids to probe expansion, and the reconstruction of cosmic velocities to constrain the strength of gravity. We will see how the ideas have grown, and expanded recently and some new promising results concerning the reconstruction aspects.

دوشنبه 24 شهریور 1399، ساعت 19:00

Monday 14 September 2020 – 19:00 Tehran Time

اتاق سمینار مجازی –Virtual Seminar Room

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