Mapping the Universe with Dark Energy Survey

Dragan Huterer

Department of Physics, University of Michigan

Mapping the Universe with Dark Energy Survey

Abstract: I will briefly review how progress in cosmology over the past two decades has greatly improved our measurements of dark-energy parameters, yet has not really shed light on the physical nature of this component. Then I will discuss measurements of cosmological parameters from the Dark Energy Survey. In particular, I will concentrate on the so-called “3×2” correlation-function measurements, and technical innovations in year 1 and the forthcoming year-3 analysis. I will highlight results that are most interesting to general-purpose cosmologists.  Finally, I will highlight how these and other upcoming measurements of dark energy will help us better understand the physical mechanism behind the accelerating universe.


یکشنبه  5 اردیبهشت 1400، ساعت 19:00

Sunday 25 April 2021 – 19:00 Tehran Time

اتاق سمینار مجازی –Virtual Seminar Room

گزینه ورود به صورت مهمان – Enter as a Guest

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