Statistics of the nearest neighbor and the cosmic web

Mohammad Ansari

Physics Department, Sharif University of Technology

Statistics of the nearest neighbor and the cosmic web


Abstract: The cosmic web is a rich source of information, which is appropriate to add a constraint on parameters of the standard model of cosmology or to study models beyond the standard model. On large scales, the two-point correlation function is a proper method to extract information. But in non-linear scales, the density field is non-Gaussian, so we need alternative approaches. In this presentation, we discuss these approaches. Specifically, we discuss the nearest neighbor statistics and show that one can study neutrino mass and fuzzy dark matter, using this method. Furthermore, we introduce the angle between nearest neighbors as a new probe for non-linear scales and the cosmic web.

یکشنبه  4 اردیبهشت 1401، ساعت 18:00

Sunday 24 April 2022 – 18:00 Tehran Time

اتاق سمینار مجازی –Virtual Seminar Room

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