سمینار مشترک گروه  ذرات ، کیهان شناسی  و  مرکز پژوهشی فیزیک انرژی ­های بالا

Maryam Zeinali

Research Center for High Energy Physics, Department of Physics,

Sharif University of Technology

Luminosity at LHC  

Abstract: Luminosity, along with the center of mass energy, is the most important figure of merit of any particle collider. It quantifies the power of a machine to squeeze particles through a given space in a given time. The precision luminosity measurement is crucial as it directly affects the other physics parameters like physics process’s production cross section. In this talk the luminosity is first introduced. Then the technique used to measure this quantity is presented, which yields in determining a calibration constant; so-called \sig_{visible}, via some specific van-der-Meer (vdM) scans. Finally, the contribution from several sources of systematic uncertainties on the measurement of the luminosity is discussed.

یکشنبه  28 آبان 1402، ساعت 17:15

Sunday 19 November 2023 – 17:15 Tehran Time

Hybrid Seminar

دانشکده فیزیک، طبقه اول – کلاس فیزیک 3 Physics Department – first floor – Room Physics 3   / 


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