Sunspots and their fine structures

Sunspots and their fine structures


حدیث گودرزی (پژوهشکده نجوم پژوهشگاه دانش های بنیادی – IPM)


 Abstract: The origin and evolution of solar sunspots in deep photospheric layers are not yet well understood. In this talk, we will consider the case of a quasi- symmetric single mature sunspot near the solar center. We use the best available observations of the partial Sun free of turbulent Earth atmospheric effects from the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) onboard the Hinode spacecraft, after greatly improving the visibility and contrast. Then Intensity distributions, temperature map and dynamic behavior of sunspots fine structures will be considered based on corrected images in order to compare observational data analyze with theoretical models and simulations.


یکشنبه 6 اسفند 1396، ساعت 15:00

دانشکده فیزیک، طبقه اول کلاس فیزیک 3

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